The Irish Breretons
Like many Breretons, I began my research with Brereton Hall; however, as I continued to trance my roots, I realized that Sir Wm of Cheshire and his sons went to Ireland to fight in the Battle of Maynooth and many of them were given land in the area that became known “the Plantation” in Ireland. These families grew and prospered and over time they settled in many countries of the world with large numbers emigrating to North America. I have prepared a number of histories which may be accessed by clicking the menu above. I also have more histories in draft which may at some point be added to the site.

The Plantation was located in County Offaly (Kings) and Leix (Queens) also known as County Laos.
Irish (National Irish Site)
List of Brereton 1600 and 1700s
Brereton,John (Newcastle, farmer, 1594
Brereton, Andrew (Rev.), clerk, A.M., 1678
Brereton Andrew, Newtowne, Balscadau, clerk, 1690
Brereton, Andrew and Frances Archdale, 1661
Brereton, Andrew (Rev.), clerk, A.M., 1678
Brereton Andrew, Newtowne, Balscadau, clerk, 1690
Brereton,Avice and William Haynes, 1G65
Brereton,Edward, Dublin, baker, 169S
Brereton, Henry, clerk, A.M.,
Brereton,Henry, rector of Clontarf, 1671
Brereton,Henry, Bellcamp, clerk, …..
Brereton,Henry and Mary Blount, 1602
Brereton,John, dork, A.M., 1661
Brereton,John and Jane Forster, 1666
Brereton, John and Mary Langham, 1666
Brereton, Mary and William Gibbons, 1672
Brereton, Thomas, Newtowne of the Strand, gentleman,1633
Brereton, William, Maynooth, clerk, 1665
Brereton, William and Jane Blount, 1662
Brereton, William and Elizabeth Forster, 1670
Brereton, William, Maynooth, clerk, 1665
Brereton, Andrew, Dublin, tallow chandler, 1761
Brereton,Catherine, 1715
Brereton, Elizabeth and James Cole, 1758
Brereton, Elizabeth and Richard Wilson,1767
Brereton, Frances and William Hand, 1758
Brereton, Francis,1715
Brereton, Henry, Dublin, chandler, 1771
Brereton, Jane, Dublin, widow, 1732 –
Brereton, Elizabeth and James Cole, 1758
Brereton,Elizabeth and Richard Wilson,1767
Brereton,„ Mary, Dublin, widow, 1704
Brereton, Richard, Dublin, tallow chandler, 1758
Brereton, Richard and Catherine Carstin, 1790
Brereton, Richard and Sarah Montegue, 1757
Brereton, Sackville and Sir John Allen Johnston, bart.1783
Brereton, Stuart and Frances Young, 1791
Brereton,„ William, 1715
Brereton, William and Elizabeth Johnston, 1792
Brereton, William and Mary Young,179
Brereton, Henry, clerk, A.M.,
Brereton, Henry, rector of Clontarf, 1671
Brereton, Henry, Bellcamp, clerk, …..
Brereton, Henry, Dublin, chandler, 1771
Brereton, Henry and Mary Blount, 1602
Brereton, Mary, Dublin, widow, 1704
Brereton, Richard, Dublin, tallow chandler, 1758
Brereton, Richard and Catherine Carstin, 1790
Brereton, Richard and Sarah Montegue, 1757
Brereton, Sackville and Sir John Allen Johnston, bart.1783
Brereton, Stuart and Frances Young, 1791