The Malpas Breretons
This history begins with Randolphus de Brereton (born in the 12 century) who married Cecile St. George and continues through the generations to the 19th century including the Welsh family of Borasham, the Cheshire Breretons, and the Malpas Breretons. The narrative in this document is supported by maps, family charts, photos and references. There is a table of contents on page 6.

The Coat of Arms of the Malpas family
Part 1 of this story is contained in the pdf file which you can access by clicking the button below. It will open in a new window and when you’re through reading this part, close the window to return to this page.
After reading Part 1, the story continues in Part 2, beginning with Chapter 8, which follows Sir William and his second wife, Margaret Doane. To access Part 2, click the button below. When you’re through, just close that window to return to this page.